Life, Corona and Toastmasters

Life is really interesting. Especially now. At this moment.
Almost 2 hours ago I was checking Toastmasters clubs online. Then I found a Facebook group on it. I applied, answered the questions and almost immediately was admitted.
After about half an hour, I checked it again and saw a new post, stating that an online Toastmasters meeting from New Zealand was going to start in 2 minutes. I was a bit late but still wanted to join. I clicked the link and connected to their meeting. It took few minutes for me to be admitted to the group, I guess, mainly because a prepared speech was in progress.
I was admitted and was welcomed. Then the meeting went on. There was 10 people online and the meeting started at 07.15a.m. in Auckland. 11 hours ahead of London local time. They just woke up and joined the meeting I believe.
I had the chance to listen to the second prepared speech about “Where to put your money”, especially nowadays. I really liked Dayal’s speech. He mentioned about using it to support local business, letting the economy to go on.
Then it was impromptu speech, Table Topics session in official Toastmasters terminology. I was one of the 3 speakers. I talked about what freedom was for me. I mentioned that our freedom did not end where others started. I expressed my concern that we were not the whole owners of this planet. We should also consider the environment and the animals and our surroundings at the same time.
Evaluation session included table topics evaluation, prepared speech evaluations and general evaluation. I wish I’d have asked them the agenda of their meeting.
After some time, this was one of the most interesting experiences I had. At the end of the meeting, they discussed about the venue and offering hybrid meetings or not. In my opinion, it’ll be the future of Toastmasters meetings. In this way, everybody will have the right and time to be able to join meetings where ever they are.
If you’re a member of Toastmasters, or intend to become a member, or have heard of Toastmasters and want to learn more and experience it, I’d definitely recommend you to check online clubs and join their meetings. It’ll be quite an interesting experience and you may end up becoming a member if you are not already one.
For more information on Toastmasters, you can check my other post about the organisation.